All the work you have previously done over past weeks pays off now. Everyone involved appreciates your efforts and benefits from the outcome. Being acknowledged in this way gives you the confidence to more easily expand your sphere of influence. Such a positive attitude wins people over to your side.
Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 Satisfied with everythingOne achievement follows another, and you’re able to make an especially good impression when cooperating with others. You even impress outsiders with your understanding, leading to exciting opportunities, you have to consider whether to follow up on or not. Whatever you decide, don’t be fearful, you’re in great shape to make the most of this promising time.
Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Lucky, you!Your positive mood helps create promising circumstances, and you make progress, either through your efforts or by good fortune alone. Retain a sense of modesty in case others become envious. Such an optimistic approach helps you feel confident, which is a ‘turn on’ others find attractive. Your enthusiasm keeps the fun factor going, don't overdo it.